Friday, February 5, 2010

Stuck in Toddlerville's been so long since I've posted....I can't keep up! Life is just too busy for me!

L is doing really well....she's talking so much more in the last few weeks and even strangers are able to understand what she says sometimes.....she's been super cute lately, too. This evening, while I was making dinner, she just kept saying Uh, Oh.....over and over and over was stinkin hilarious---especially cause she says it like "Wha, Oh!" She's getting so tall, too. She can see over tables that she used to not even be able to reach and she thinks it's funny to climb on things (like the coffee table, the couch, any sort of pile), even though she can't get back off of them by herself without falling. She's gotten all four of her first molars in now, and 3 of her canines---both bottom ones and the top left.

I've found lately that I'm really missing the baby she used to be! I can totally see why women have kids that are roughly 2-3 years apart....but we are sooooo NOT ready for another....we're not even sure we'll actually have another! Still I find myself missing how small she was, and how easy we could make her smile, and the time before the "terrible-twos" started....but there are definitely things I don't miss--sleepless nights, bottles (Oh! She's off the bottle! New Year's resolution, CHECK!), reflux---that was really horrible I don't wish a sick child on anyone! And I do love that she's found some independence....I'm sure in a few years I'll eat those words, though. =)

Well, it's way passed my bed time, so goodnight!