Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Holiday fun!

L's had a cough at night for awhile now.....I think it's just allergies....but she does the cutest thing.....she's learned to hold her arm up while coughing because I've held her arm up before while she's coughed.....she cracks me up!

We celebrated Christmas with the extended fam in Yaktown over the weekend. Was lots of fun! It was so good to see people we haven't seen in sooooo long. It's just too hard to get over there most of the time, so it was really nice to get to spend some holiday time with our families.

We went to an Ugly Sweater Xmas party at a friend's house on the 12th.....it was so fun! We bought some pretty hideous sweaters from the 2nd hand store down the street and donned them for the party. We even got the host to take our picture:

I sent the photo out with the cards I made this year! LOL I love how "classy" the pic is! =P

I also finished all of the goodies that I planned on making for gifts for our immediate families for this year....I handmade soap (hubby says it looks professional!), I made dog treats--since our families are dog lovin, and I made biscotti....we also gave out a pound of SBux coffee to each fam....I'm so proud of myself for getting it all done and on time, with almost no stress because I planned ahead-----thank you FLYLADY!!!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Halloween pics finally!


Alright.....it's only been forever (think of how the kid in The Sandlot says it!) since I've posted something!

Here's a little catch-up:

Thanksgiving was great! Food was good, family was good.....and thanks to the Flylady system, we were able to help a friend in need of a place to stay for a couple of nights during that week.

Hubby and I have had another dentist appointment since then....we've got horrible teeth....I guess that's what happens when you don't go to the dentist for several years in a row! Ugh.....we still have more work to be done before the end of the year.

Speaking of teeth--L has gotten 3 of her four pre-molars....still working on the last one, and she's been such a turd! And super slobbery. Poor baby, I hope it comes in soon for her!

I've made all my xmas cards already! They're even addressed....but I'm hoping to get family portraits done in time to send pictures with them. One of my friends came over to work on some, too.....it was really fun.

I've also made the non-food item that will be gifts for our family, and it turned out great! Hubby says it looks professional. =)

Today L got a haircut at a local children's hair salon....they do such an awesome job there....and they are so great with the kids. She sat in the pink Jeep chair and they even have little tv's that L watched. She was really behaved and wasn't scared until the very end (when the hairdresser blow dried her hair-hehe). There was a little boy in the salon--probably 2 or 3 years old that was screaming the whole time he was getting a hair cut! I felt so bad for his mommy, she looked so stressed and embarrassed......but you can't control how your kids are going to react to things!

L has been dancing so much lately......she loves to dance to most types of music and even dances to the little tune on a computer game I play sometimes.....it's super cute. She also claps whenever there is any sort of applause on tv, it's so hilarious!

She's also been expressing interest in using the potty.....we've gotten her a little potty seat that goes on top of the toilet. She even goes sometimes when I put her on it, and claps a whole bunch! She even claps if she's in the bathroom while I'm going. It's so fun to be a parent!