Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Risotto and Yakima

Yay for blogger working again!

I made risotto the other night! I used a recipe from my America's Test Kitchen cookbook.....it was really good! I put purple and orange carrots, onions, leeks, garlic, white wine, brown rice, and love into it. The purple cooked out of the carrots and the rice soaked it up, so it kinda had a purple tint overall, but was delicious.....L liked it, too.....in fact we had leftovers of it for dinner tonight. =)

We spent the weekend in Yakima. I took photos for my youngest sister's senior pics.....I hope they turn out great! We had dinner at my grandparents' and the whole fam competed in a pumpkin carving contest.....the winner was a big pumpkin with a cute little dog carved into it! (not mine....I'm not that creative, mine just had a bat carved into it)

My other sis and I ran a bunch of errands over the weekend, too.....we went to a local bookstore over there and I bought a new book for my self The Clutter Cure, we'll see if that gets me anywhere! Haha.....and some blocks for L, she loves them already.....she tries to stack them, then destroys whatever she's stacked....it's pretty funny to watch her. Hubby stacked up a pyramid today with the blocks and L came along a wrecked it and laughed!

Speaking of hubby, he went hunting over the weekend with his dad. Hubby didn't get anything, but his dad did! A deer. Hubby's been hunting twice this year and both times has come up empty handed, but I think he has fun just being in the woods and doing man stuff.....I'm glad he has something to do that he enjoys! After having L, we've both struggled to find time for ourselves.

Tomorrow I work, then L and I will carve her pumpkin....I'm excited to see how she likes the guts!

This year we're doing Thanksgiving at our house! My mom, dad, youngest sister and probably her boyfriend, are coming over and staying the night with us. We did Thanksgiving here a couple of years ago and I think it turned out great, some of our friends and their kids came over that year. But this year will definitely be different. Hubby was diagnosed with Celiac disease in March, so we've got to make an entire comfort-food-dinner with no wheat/gluten! I've already got some ideas for how to change some of our favorite recipes into gluten free goodness, still not sure how to change the green bean casserole, though. We're going to make the stuffing with gf cornbread, the pumpkin pie with gf gingersnap cookie crumb crust (say that 5 times fast!), and some yummy gf rolls. I'm excited to see how it all turns out!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Needing Inspiration

What a long day......

I'm in need of recipes for dinner.....I'm tired of just snacking and making the occasional soup or casserole....I need some inspiration! Anyone have any?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Label away!

Well Bear ate some of his dinner, so I think he's on the mend.....no more barfing since this morning either.

I got my P-touch labeler!! Heh, it's very exciting for me! I've already labeled a bunch of stuff, and I'm sure I'll find lots more to label tomorrow.....I am easily pleased, what can I say?

L and I have been going over what animals say, and she's getting the hang of some of them! She knows a duck says "quack," but she says it more like "wack." It's real cute! When I ask her what a cow says, she says "moo." But when I ask what a dog says, she just says "dog." =) She's a funny girl. She also thinks she's mommy......I'll ask "where's mama?" And she'll point to herself, she also points to herself when I ask "where's L----?" She must be having some sort of identity crisis! Haha!

Under the bed

It's been a few days.........

I didn't get to go to Ladies night.....instead I fell asleep on the floor in the living room, while hubby was doing the dishes and L was beating on the floor with her toy microphone.....apparently I was tired.....oh well.

My sis is finally feeling better today, so that's really good! L has two more teeth now, which explains why she's been such a stinker lately.....and Bear, the cat, has decided to eat something he shouldn't (again) and has been barfing since this morning, and wouldn't even come out from under the bed for his breakfast.....when that cat won't eat it means there is something really wrong......he's already had surgery twice to remove household items that wouldn't pass on their own....he's a real dummy. Thank goodness there's a vet or two in the family....but I don't know if we could ask them to do another surgery that we can't afford.....we'll see I guess, hopefully whatever he ate I'll find in the litter box later.

My little munchkin has decided to join me in my blog entry, and she won't leave the mouse alone.....I feel a nap
ing on soon.....oh look at that, she has even left her mark on the blog! =) Yay, now the mouse pad is entertainment enough for the time being.....maybe I'll be able to finish.

Speaking of L, she has been walking all over the house! Daddy finally got to see her doing it, and he's very proud, although he's a tough guy, so he hasn't really shown any emotions about it, but I can tell.

Ooooohhhh, today I'm going to go buy a P-touch labeler!! I'm easily entertained, haha! I'm so excited to start labeling where things go in this house, then maybe it will resemble something other than a tornado.

Ta-ta for now!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Alrighty then....

We had a super lazy day.....L and I chilled while it poured outside all day long.....ugh, and it's supposed to rain even more tomorrow.....it'll probably be a slow day at the bucks....

L did decide to walk a whole bunch today! I think she's pretty proud of herself, and already embarrassed that her mom is excited about anything she does! Haha, little does she know....that I can't wait until she's older so I can embarrass her in public! Muhahaha!

Oh, my poor sissy has pneumonia and the flu! And she's so hard core that she went back to work after a visit to the ER because she couldn't breath all that well! I swear the girl is wonder-mommy.

Bud Light--you are so unsatisfying right now....what I wouldn't give for a good white wine before bed!

Tomorrow's going to be a long one.....long day at work, then too short of an evening with my little fam, and then...........................girls' night out!!!! So very exciting and it couldn't come any faster....I think I might even shave my legs for the occasion! =)

Rings and Things

It is the end of my day, finally.....let's see....today L and I cleaned (well she threw laundry on the floor while I picked up her toys), we picked up the last week of veggies from our farm for the year, and made a trip to the mall to pick up my "new" ring. I had my wedding ring altered for my birthday last week.....and I'm totally loving it! I haven't been wearing it for almost a year because the diamond was loose, for the 4th time in as many years.....so we had a jeweler add prongs to it to hold the diamond better........so help me, if it becomes loose again, I'm swearing off all jewelry!!
I'm sad that we've already come to the end of our veggie deliveries.....even though I don't cook (I really should....but, eh?), I've looked forward to every thursday's delivery....it's been an earthly present to be unboxed and sifted through, that I will miss! But the rainy season is upon us and with it comes the end of the harvest.
In other news: hehe.....my table woes are over! Hubby drilled the four needed holes for the supports on our dining table this morning, and it is up and in use! Yay for finally having a dining table again.....*I feel one of my friends from high school chuckling at that line.....she always thought I was weird for always needing a dining table.....even when she moved into her first apartment, she got one just so I could use it when I came to visit!
Okay......must.....sleep....dang, don't you wish sleep was optional?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Table woes

So, we've been without a dining table for 3 years now.....that's not entirely true I suppose, it's just been in storage for 3 years....well, it was inadvertantly given away, so 2 days ago I went and bought a new one!
I started to put it together tonight, and WTF?! The dumbies at the factory forgot to drill enough holes in the base for the supports!!! Granted I only paid $100 for it (on a super, awesome sale!), but I still expect to be able to put the damned thing together!!
Good thing Hubby's handy, he's going to drill the extra holes tomorrow, and we'll finally have a dining table again!!!
Now how to transport my chairs from storage (on the other side of the state) without a truck? Hmmmm....

What's blogging?

Okay, so just starting out (obviously!)....but what the hell is blogging? What am I supposed to write about? So many questions!! I have a few ideas.....maybe what it's like being a mom, but I'm sure that's been done! What it's like being bipolar. Excuse me: What it's like HAVING bipolar disorder....probably been done. Maybe parenting while have bipolar disorder? Or something more mundane, like the struggle to become a Martha-Stewart-version of myself....since I don't cook or clean, that would be a major challenge!
Is there spell check on here? Oh, good there is!!!