Friday, November 20, 2009


Oh I wish I had time for you in my busy day!

Maybe tomorrow?

Friday, November 13, 2009

I'm FLYing!

Another day....another flybaby step down! I'm totally loving the flylady system, my house looks amazing, and I'm not even done with all the cleaning and decluttering. I've been doing the "crisis cleaning," in the last couple of days and it has really made a huge difference! I know how to clean, but this system is helping me keep the house clean. Here's a big shout out to and all the wonderful people who run the site!

Thanksgiving is fast approaching.....I think it has to be one of my favorite holidays of the whole year! I love that we get to spend it with family and talk about what we're thankful for. I've been slowly working on the menu. We're going to be doing our brined turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes (some with butter, some w/o) with gf, dairy free gravy, gf cornbread stuffing (also dairy free), gf rolls, glutenated rolls, roasted green beans with olive oil and salt and pepper, 3 pies: 1 gf, dairy free pumpkin pie, 1 traditional pumpkin pie, and 1 traditional apple pie. I've also bought some wine and sparkling cider. Hubby also has some homemade hard cider and some sour wine that he made from the grapes growing on the vines in my parents' yard. I still need one or two more side dishes but I don't know what else to add to the list....any ideas?

We are having my mom, dad, and youngest sis over this year! I'm excited to share a mostly gluten free meal with poor mom, she has no idea what gluten is. I've tried explaining it to her and she seems to understand but then just the other day asks me if hubby can eat turkey! How silly! (haha....there's a word I never, ever used before becoming a mom!)

For Xmas gifts in the past, we've always made goodies for our families. But with hubby's and my diet restrictions, I've decided to go a slightly different route. Instead of doing all different kinds of goodies (fudge, cupcakes, cookies, truffles, etc), I'm going to make only 3 things.....and 1 of them isn't even food! I'm excited to get started on making the gifts. I'm also going to finally get back to making cards this year, too. I didn't do it last year because L was only 2 1/2 months old, and I wasn't ready to take on the task and make the goodies. But this year I'm going to do both!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Clean it up!

Anyone heard of I'm going to start it today! I'm getting excited for it....I already took "before" pics of my house.....which I won't show to anyone until I have some "after" shots as well!

L is getting sooooo big! She has 2 more teeth.....and she's quite the hell-yun these days.....she likes to get into the dog water and turn the tv off, and finds throwing things into the garbage (toys and such) fascinating. =P

Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween & Soy

Halloween was fun this year....we took L to the mall with some was cool to see all the other kiddos in costumes! Then we went to the gov.'s mansion and got a pic with the governor! L will totally appreciate that when she's older.

L was a lady bug this year, hubby didn't dress up (booo!)....and I was a gypsy! Pics to come!

The rainy season is full fledged it poured all day's still pouring now...we're supposed to get a full inch of rain between today and tomorrow. The poor dog doesn't even want to go outside to pee! She steps out onto the porch, looks at the wetness, and turns around to come right back in. I have SAD, so the rain's starting to get to me.....thank god I have a job! Helps me to get out of the house and do something. I'm sure hubby is getting completely soaked tonight, he works outside for the majority of his shift.

L's been doing some climbing lately....she thinks it's fun to climb on top of the coffee table and stand up on it! Scares the crap outta me....she's been biting a lot more lately, too. I think it probably has a lot to do with her teething....she's working on getting a canine and 4 (yes I said 4!) molars! These two things (biting and climbing where she shouldn't) have led to several time outs in the last few days. She also tells me "don't" or "stop" or shakes her head no at me when I tell her not to do something....she's turning into a real diva! Haha.

Something that annoys me: soy is in everything! I can't digest beans or soy very well...let's just say I don't spend enough time in the bathroom as I should when I eat them. =/ I finally have started to pay attention to labels......and ya know what?!?! Soy is in EVERYTHING! I made chocolate chip cookies the other night and there is soy in chocolate chips! (I ate them anyway!) Now I am beginning to see the frustration that hubby goes through with food.

Okay off to bed for me!

Oh and I think I'm a hoarder. Ugh.